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Will you be our next CNC operator / CAM Programmer?

You will be responsible for operating one of our machines. You will combine the roles of CAM-programmer and machine operator. ​

At 3DTechDraw we work with Autodesk HSM software, within SolidWorks and Inventor. Under our supervision, you will soon become proficient in programming, especially if you already have some CAD experience.

Starting from 2D drawings and 3D models you will be responsible for creating products, both for clients as well as our own designs. We expect you to work with a large degree of responsibility and independence. As part of a team of experienced CAM programmers and machine operators however, your colleagues will be only too pleased to help raise your skills to the next level.​

We offer an exciting job for both experienced operators and eager learners without previous experience. We will match your responsibilities to your experience and talents.

What we expect from our colleagues:

  • Good technical aptitude
  • Affinity with working with metals and plastics
  • Not afraid of a challenge
  • Inquisitiveness

​Are you that highly motivated technician who can help complete our team? If so, send your CV and a short letter explaining your reasons for wanting to join us to Would you rather speak to someone who can tell you a bit more about the job and the company? If so, please contact Jasper Wijnschenk by phone: +31 (0)345 532773, or send an email to info​​

This is why Jasper, Adriaan, Rutger, Bryan, Mark, Gerrit, Luke and Herman all work at 3DTechDraw:

Jasper Wijnschenk

“I started 3DTechDraw when I was just 21. I used to make 3D drawings up in my parents’ attic and now I’m managing director of 3DTechDraw where I run the business with the rest of my team. Teamwork is the very word I would use to describe my approach to business. Traditional, hierarchical organisational structures are really not my thing. More often than not you’ll find me on the workfloor rather than in the office. The most important thing to remember is that everything we do, we accomplish together, so we all share in our successes.”

Bryan Casey

“A number of years ago I moved from my home in Ireland to be with my girlfriend in the Netherlands. I got a job working at McDonalds, but at the same time decided to follow a technical course. Laurens gave me the chance to work two days a week at 3DTechDraw. The fact that I couldn’t speak Dutch and still had much to learn about metalworking didn’t worry them at all. They welcomed me with open arms. And 4 years on, I now have my ‘very own’ machine! Quite often, I find myself having to stop what I’m doing to help out a customer who’s come in with a broken part. It’s very satisfying to help them fix the problem quickly, so that they can get back to work again.”

Mark Mastenbroek

“I’ve been working at 3DTechDraw since 2011 and the thing that I like most is that it’s not your average kind of business. You’re given a lot of freedom in your responsibilities, and very much made to feel you are part of the production process. And there’s always time to have a bit of fun. If you work at 3DTechDraw you can count on the job being varied, because no one day is ever the same. You’re expected to work independently, to make an active contribution and not to be afraid of trying out new things.”

Margo Wijnschenk

“I have to say, I’m extremely proud of my two boys Jasper and Laurens. It’s fantastic that they’ve built up a successful business in just 10 years. Especially when you think it all started in Jasper’s attic. From the very start, I’ve tried to help wherever possible. Like the others, we’re all part of the same team! The contact between colleagues is terrific and everyone shows each other the respect they deserve. If you work here, you can learn a lot: every day is a challenge.